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A healing journey tailored just for you

From acupuncture and moxibustion to nutritional counseling and physio restorative therapy, our comprehensive services are designed to support your well-being every step of the way.

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What our Patients say about us

Lucas’ longstanding bowel issues were resolved immediately based on Dr Polite’s recommendations! I was expecting it to take 7 days at the very least, but it only took 12 hours. His day care teachers as well as our family are ecstatic! Words cannot express our amazement and gratitude! Please feel free to use me or my email as a reference for others in any way, at any time.






Affordable Asian Medicine - Moxibustion


Tui Na / An Mo

Plum Blossom Needle

Nutritional Counseling

Physio Restorative / ionic Rebalancing Therapy

Auricular therapy

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Ancient Chinese Medifacial

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Asian Medicine Has Helped Billions of People Worldwide

Ready to experience the transformative power of Asian Medicine? Schedule your appointment today and take the first step towards optimal health and well-being.

Can you afford to stay in your

current condition?

The true cost is living with untreated health issues.