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Ancient Chinese Medifacial

Single Appointment


Haven’t you always wanted to be treated like Royalty? Each treatment is customized for your skin and will leave you with a fresh and renewed Spirit, Soul, and Body! Like the Empresses and Emperors of ancient China, your skin will be infused with the finest herbaceuticals in the world.

These ingredients are uniquely concentrated and prepared in a delivery system that will encourage your aging and damaged skin to transform by utilizing ingredients that in ancient times were noted to restore function and vitality.

In contemporary research these ingredients have been found to have beneficial effects on collagen stabilization and to increase overall function. The products use highly regarded antioxidants that support the body in its ability to reverse the aging process.

“This facial is like nothing I have ever had before. I feel rejuvenated and love the products.”

Tammy S.

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Virtual Appointment

Comprehensive Examination Appointment

Comprehensive Examination Appointment

Can you afford to stay in your

current condition?

The true cost is living with untreated health issues.